Government Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka 2024: Registrar Jobs in NISD (The National Institute of Social Development)

The National Institute of Social Development is functioning under the provisions of the National Institute of Social Development Act No. 41 of 1992 and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has declared the institute as a Degree Conferring Institute under Section 25A of the University Act No. 16 of 1978 on the recommendation of the University Grants Commission.
01) Post: REGISTRAR – 01 Post (MM 1-1)
02) Job Description:
1) Admission of students for all the courses conducted by the National Institute of Social Development and maintaining private files of the students.
2) Attending to supervisory work of the students who follow all the courses, supervisory work relevant to examinations and function as secretary of the Institutional Examination Boards.
3) Make available certificates to students who have followed courses.
4) Organize and maintain degree and certificate convocations.
5) Updating and maintaining of the student information management system.
6) Carry out any specific matters assigned by the Director General and the Additional Director General (studies).
03) Educational Qualifications: External Applicants
1) Should have obtained a degree in Human Resources Management / Public Administration / Public Management / Management which is recognized by the University Grants Commission and obtained a minimum of 01 year experience in a field relevant to the post after obtaining the degree.
Internal Applicants (1 or 2 below)
1) Fulfilling the qualifications required from the external applicants
2) Completed a minimum of five years (05) service period in a post in the relevant field in the “Junior Management” JM Service Category
04) Salary Scale : MM 1-1 Rs. (53,175 – 10 x 1,375 – 15 x 1,910 = 95,575/=)
05) General Conditions:
→ All applicants should be Sri Lankan citizens.
This is a permanent post in the Institute.
→ The selected employee should contribute 8% of his salary to the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) while the employer will provide 12% towards it, along with an additional 3% towards the Employees’ Trust Fund (ETF).
Applications should be accompanied with copies of the Birth Certificate, educational, professional and experience certificates and any other certificates, if any. Self- prepared applications should be sent by “Registered Post” to the undermentioned address to be received on or before 19.01.2024 The cover containing the application should be marked the post applied for at the left side top corner.
Age limit – Should be not below 22 years and not above 45 years at the closing date of applications. (Internal applicants are not affected by the upper age limit).
Director General,
National Institute of Social Development,