Government Job Vacancies 2024: Agro-enterprise Development Specialist Jobs at SARP Smallholder Agribusiness and Resilience Project in 2024. There are numerous government job vacancies, with Ministry of Agriculture positions open. Stay updated with us.
Qualifications and experience:
- You must have a Master’s Degree in agricultural economics, business management, marketing, or a related field in rural enterprise development.
- At least 7 years of practical experience in value chain development, designing and delivering agro-enterprise development training programmes, development of business proposals, and evaluation at project/or institutional level.
- You should have related working experience forming/establishing institutes or organizations.
- You should have related working experience in youth development activities either in foreign-funded projects or any other institute or government organization.
- Computer literate ( Good knowledge of MS Office package)
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Strong analytical skills
- Fluency in English and Sinhala, and preferably Tamil.
Jobs at SARP | Smallholder Agribusiness and Resilience Project vacancies