
රාජ්‍ය, පෞද්ගලික සහ විදේශීය රැකියා පිළිබඳ ක්ෂණික යාවත්කාලීන කිරීම් සඳහා අපගේ WhatsApp සමූහයට සම්බන්ධ වන්න

அரச, தனியார் மற்றும் வெளிநாட்டு வேலைவாய்ப்பு தொடர்பான தகவல்களை உடனுக்குடன் பெற எங்கள் WhatsApp குழுவில் இணையுங்கள்


Information Technology Assistant Job

Government Jobs in Sri Lanka: Information Technology Assistant Job in National Child Protection Authority.

Qualifications for External Candidates

Having obtained a certificate of proficiency not below the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Level 5, issued by a Technical/ Vocational Training Institute accepted by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (Information Technology) with one year of work-related experience.

Qualifications for Internal Candidates:

  • Having obtained the qualifications required by the external candidates above.
  • Salary Code and the Monthly Salary Scale of the employee category: DMS Circular 2/2016 – MA 2-1 Rs.[30,310 -10×300 -7×350 – 4x 495- 20x 660 50,940]
  • Age: Age should be not less than 18 years and not more than 45 years.
  • The upper age limit will not apply to the internal candidates. Recruitment procedure
  • Recruitment will be done by the results of a written competitive examination and/ or a structured interview conducted by a panel appointed by the appointing authority.


Apart from the basic salary, Cost of Living Allowance will be paid and 12% to EPF and 3% to ETF will be borne by the Authority.

Government Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka