SAPP Vacancies: Government Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka. Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme (SAPP) is a project implemented under the Ministry of Agriculture jointly funded by the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Many Sri Lankans are employed in this program aimed at reducing poverty and boosting competitiveness among smallholders. Keep following us for Agriculture, banking, foreign, and government jobs in Sri Lanka.

Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme Vacancies
- SAPP Vacancies – Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme Vacancies 2024
- ICT Assistant – Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme Vacancies
SARP Vacancies 2024
- Agriculture and Livestock Officer, Social Inclusion and Gender Facilitator, Natural Resource Management Officer, Nutrition Officer, Finance and Administration Officer, Agro Enterprise Promoter | SARP Vacancies
- Agro Enterprise Promoter Jobs at SARP
- Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Jobs 2024
- Agro-enterprise Development Specialist Jobs
- Consultant – Post-harvest Management, Value Addition and Marketing Specialist
Qualifications & Experience Required: Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme Jobs
- Procurement Specialist: Bachelor’s degree in Management, Accounting, Economics, Business Administration, or commerce. At least 12 years of managerial experience in a relevant field/An Officer of All Island Service Class 1 with at least 10 years of experience. Age Limit below 65.
- Deputy Manager: Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Rural Management, Management, Rural Sociology, or a related field.
- Programme Officer: A Bachelor’s degree preferably in the field of Rural Sociology, Rural Development, Management, Agriculture, Agriculture Economics, Social Science, Food Technology, Agribusiness, Rural Management, Management, Rural Sociology which is recognized by UGC. and 8 years of post qualifying experience in the relevant field at managerial capacity. OR An Officer of the Government All Island Services Class II or above or similar status in the relevant field with at least 9 years’ experience in class II/III post. Postgraduate qualifications with extensive field experience will be an added advantage.
- Consultant: Master or higher degree in youth entrepreneurship, Agriculture Business Development, Enterprise Development and experience in agriculture and rural development project.
- Regional Project Coordinators: Special Degree or higher qualification in Agriculture, Agri- Economics, Agri-business, and At least 5 years’ experience. As well as, Must have demonstrated recent experience in planning and implementing of rural development programme.
Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme Salary Details:
- Procurement Specialist: 175000.00 Initial salary scale + CoLA
- Programme Officer: 140000
- Managers: 125000
- Regional Project Coordinators: 80000
- Development Officers: 65000
- Management Assistant: 53000
- Driver: 48000
Method of Selection:
The selected applicants based on the highest qualifications and experience, will be called for an interview and selection will be based on the performance at the interview. ( Learn how to prepare for a government job interview)
How to Apply for SAPP Vacancies?
Applications with all particular details on qualifications, experiences and other relevant details together and names of two non-related referees should be sent by registered post to the Programme Director, Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme (SAPP), No.212/A, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya or by an e-mail ( within 14 days of this Advertisement date. (Please check out the closing date).
The name of the post applied for should be mentioned in the upper left corner of the envelope/subject line of the email message. Applicants working in Government Departments, State Corporations, Boards, and Authorities should submit their applications through their respective organization’s Head.
General Conditions applicable to Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme Vacancies
- Age Limit – Below 64 years by the closing date of applications.
- Salary Scale Based on the Management Services Circular No. 01/2019 of the Treasury. Location Programme Management Unit (PMU) is on Nawala Road, Rajagiriya. However, extensive traveling to project locations is involved.
- Languages – Proficiency in written and verbal communication skills in English and Sinhala are must with sound knowledge in MS Office packages. Proficiency in Tamil Language will be an added advantage.
- Appointment: Appointment is made on contract basis in accordance with the Management Services Circular No. 01/2019, renewable annually based on the performance and will be subjected to 06 months probationary period.
How to get new SAPP job details in 2024?
Visit, select government Jobs section from the menu. Jobconlk team will update if there is vacancy on time. And follow the jobconlk on social media like Facebook, WhatsApp to get SAPP vacancy alerts. OR You can view new job opportunities in career page of official website of Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme’s.
How to Apply for SAPP vacancies 2024?
Find New SAPP vacancies details and download Application Form from Jobconlk then read the application guide carefully. Finally Apply for the opening position.
SAPP is under which ministry?
Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industry, Sri Lanka.
Which degree is best to get jobs in SAPP?
Mostly if you have a bachelor degree in Management, Accounting, Economics, Business Administration, or commerce, Agriculture, Agriculture Economics, Social Science, Food Technology, Agribusiness, Rural Management, Management, Rural Sociology.
Why are the Professionals frequently recruited for Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme?
This programme was established to reduce poverty and enhance competitiveness among small Agriculture Business holders. Consequently, many professionals in agriculture, economics, and food technology were recruited to support these small Agriculture Business holders/farmers.
Is SAPP a government organization?
Yes, the Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme (SAPP) is a Sri Lankan government organization under the Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation.
In which field does the programmer officer at SAPP work?
Institutional Development, Business development, Monitoring and Evaluation, Environment Development, Nutrition and Gender.