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Civil Engineering Jobs in Sri Lanka 2022 | Jobconlk

Civil engineering jobs in Sri Lanka 2021: There are hundreds of civil engineering jobs in Sri Lanka from government departments and construction companies. we are updating the latest diploma civil engineering, Graduate civil engineering jobs. Find and download job advertisements then apply via email or post.



    👲Job Title:
Assistant Civil Engineer, Civil Engineer    Qualifications:
Assistant Civil Engineer (NDT in Civil with 3 years experience)
Civil Engineer (BSc in Civil with 5-year experience)

    Company Name:
Nawaloka Construction Company (pvt) Ltd
    Last Date: 28/11/2021

    View Details(medium-bt)
    👲Job Title:
Assistant Civil Engineer, Technical Officer, Site Supervisor    Qualifications:
Assistant Civil Engineer (TTI/HNDE/NCT in Civil with 3 years experience)
Technical Officer (NCT -Civil with 1-year experience)
Site Supervisor (NVQ 4 with 1-year experience)

    Company Name:
Thamali Construction(pvt) Ltd
    Last Date: 03/12/2021

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    👲Job Title:
Civil Engineer    Qualifications:
BSc in Mechanical Engineering | 5 Years Experience

Ministry of Agriculture
    Last Date: 10/11/2021

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    👲Job Title:
Technical Officer (Civil)    Qualifications:
NVQ 5 |

Ministry of Plantation
    Last Date: 15/11/2021

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    👲Job Title:
Civil Engineer MM 1-3)    Qualifications:
BSc Degree in Civil Engineering | 3 Years of experience in Government Organizations, Board.

Urban Development Authority
    Last Date: 04/11/2021

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    👲Job Title:
Civil Engineer Gr-II)    Qualifications:
BSc Degree in Civil Engineering | Experience in Bridge construction, High rise building

State Development and Construction Corporation
    Last Date: 05/11/2021

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    👲Job Title:
Civil Engineer    Qualifications:
BSc Degree in Civil Engineering | Corporate Membership (Charter) | 10 Years Experience
| Experience in construction work of airport

NTP Ceylone (Pvt)ltd
(Katunayake Airport Project)

    Last Date: 30/11/2021

    View Details(medium-bt)

Trainee Civil Engineering Jobs in Sri Lanka

Trainee Civil Engineering Jobs in Sri Lanka: Is it possible to diploma holders to get a job in the civil field? Yes if you have completed a diploma in civil engineering/ Higher national diploma (HND) in Civil engineering at a recognized institute(Technical colleges/SLIATE) with a training program you can apply for the post of trainee civil engineering vacancies. Then you can have good experience in this field. So there are plenty of job opportunities for diploma holders in the government and private sectors. You can find out the latest jobs on the jobs for diploma holders section of our website. You can see it at the bottom of every page. And Civil Diploma holders can apply for supervisors, assistant civil engineers and can get career opportunities in construction fields. Please check out the construction vacancies section now if you are interested.

Government Civil Engineering Jobs in Sri Lanka 

Government civil engineering jobs in Sri Lanka:

The general requirement of Civil engineers:

Should be a Sri Lankan citizen

Knowledge of draughtsman & Auto CAD essential qualification

Knowlege of QS consider an added qualification

Vehicle and Motor vehicle license holder added qualification

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